Romper: American Eagle Outfitters
Black Sling: H&M
Photo Credits:Brendy
I was never much of a romper person until I realized for myself how fuss-free and wearable they were, especially for the days you need to grab a quick outfit and run but yet look put together or on those days where getting a two piece outfit together seems more challenging than usual.
We all have days like that, don't we?
This romper remains one of my favorite ones since I got it from Tokyo a few months back because it is in my favorite color scheme(yes; white, black and grey) and its intricate aztec details keep the outfit edgy but yet delicate at the same time. Many thanks to Brendy who told me to buy it right away after I tried it on.
We have a shopping policy while overseas(or that applies most of the time) which is to buy first in case of possible future regret.
On a side note, I hope you've been having a great week so far!
To everyone else that's trying to stay afloat during this crazy hectic period of project presentations, report submissions and juggling finals preparation all at once(like Brend and I are), we wish you all the very best; this too shall soon pass even if it doesn't feel like it.
Cheers to Summer and better times,